Magento AWS Hosting

We offer scalable AWS solutions that adjust to your current business needs.

We know how crucial it is for online sales to have reliable hosting that can be easily scaled up when the traffic on your shop grows.

  • Perhaps you sent a newsletter with promotions to thousands of your subscribers
  • It is Christmas time
  • You host an unbelievable Black Friday deal
  • It is Cyber Monday and you get hit with thousands of views
  • Or perhaps your latest TV campaign goes viral

How we can help you:

  • Change hosting to more reliable, scalable, and efficient servers
  • Provide the support of our administrators and 24/7 server monitoring
  • Implement an additional cache mechanism - Varnish
  • Find bottlenecks in your current code
  • Test your current shop performance using jmeter to see how many visitors and orders you are able to handle
See what we've done as

Magento AWS Hosting

What we've done
  • Magento 1 & 2 Development
  • Performance Optimization / Hosting
  • Mobile Optimization / RWD
  • Magento B2B & B2C Magento Shops
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what we've done

Magento optimization and hosting


What does your e-commerce need to:

Store data so that they, or another application, can find it again later (databases)

Remember the result of an expensive operation, to speed up reads (caches)

Allow users to search data by keyword or filter it in various ways (search indexes)

Send a message to another process, to be handled asynchronously (stream processing)

Periodically crunch a large amount of accumulated data (batch processing)



Do you have increased sales on Black Friday?
If you sell much one day and less another one, there is no point in changing the server and the entire infrastructure only for a certain period of time.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers our instant scaling technology, which instantly spins up hundreds or thousands of servers in minutes and deliver results faster.


High-efficiency server design

Server technology used in e-commerce should be carefully thought out to ensure that the website for the customer is professional and error-free, and that the IT infrastructure serving this site is highly efficient.

If you want reliability and powerful functionality, then SSD cloud hosting ensures that your websites are hosted on a network of connected resources. This means that if one server reaches an optimal level, then the other server is ready to be covered. If the server fails, the website will continue to work like other servers will continue to handle incoming traffic.


The benefits of caching


When you visit a website for the first time, your browser has a conversation with the remote server that hosts the site. Your browser sends a request, and the server sends back one of the website’s assets. The page HTML is the first to download and it becomes the blueprint by which the site is constructed. As your browser reads the HTML code, it sends out more requests to the server to send more pieces of the page, mostly the static assets mentioned above.

This process takes up bandwidth. Some Web pages will take a great deal of time to fully download and become functional because they have a lot of pieces or their assets are large.


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